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Po Zhang 

Po Zhang  aka "PoPo" was born in China and was an exemplary student of the Tianjin Academy of the Fine Arts, where he studied painting techniques. Popo also dabbled in body painting and makeup, teaching them all. Although Po studied under painting masters, his pursuit of a tattooing career was the product of passion and intrigue – even without the guidance of a skilled and experienced tattooist. He began tattooing at 17, performing traditional Asian-style tattooing first with a freehand needle. Five years later, he would abandon freehand needles for tattoo machines.

It would be seven more years before Popo would meet Lou Rubino Jr, who convinced him to bring his talents to the United States. Popo became a full-time artist at Tattoo Lou’s in 2011 and quickly developed a devout following of fans willing to wait months to get tattooed by a master of photo-realistic and Asian traditional tattoo art. His work has earned him sponsorship’s from World Famous Tattoo Ink and Kuro Sumi Tattoo Ink.

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